
We preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified, risen from the dead and coming again!  He is the sinless Son of God who sacrificed Himself to be our Savior. The Bible is God’s Word.  It is what we believe and teach.  His Word is our truth.  Anyone and everyone who calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.  This is God’s promise to you.  Believe it, receive it and then tell the devil goodbye!

As a community of believers we look to impact our world for Christ by living Jesus and taking His Word to our world in order to see the lost found, the weak made strong and those bound by sin to be set free from it through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

As we live in joyful anticipation of Christ’s return, empowered by His Spirit, we strive to be all Christ has called us to be, committed to Him and the body of Christ, His church, our family.

– Pastor Gary

North Side is the only Mennonite congregation located within the city limits of Hagerstown, Maryland.  Our congregation is a member of the Franklin District of LMC (formerly known as Lancaster Mennonite Conference).